Under the Hill

so tired…

Archive for January 6th, 2009

Tweetdeck is the new black

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screenshot-tweetdeckSomehow Tweetdeck is the new black in twitter. So to speak. Everyone seems to use it lately. According to one source 11% of tweets are sent by it already. If already is a word which can be used on a service less than 2 years old.

Enough incentive for me to try it out as well, after all the web-interface of twitter buggered me from the start.

Not that there was anything really wrong with it, but I am not someone who likes to have the same tab open all the time just to check for updates and be able to post. This actually took me off twitter the first time I tried it very quickly.

What can I say? I like comfort!

Tweetdeck on the other hand is exactly what I was looking for in this respect; actually even a bit more: It has the ability to post new tweets, the ability to autoupdate in certain intervals, and it actually divides all the tweets I receive in general ones, replies, and direct messages. It even has a nice profile view and an integrated search. And all that presented in a nice and tidy way (which coincidentally fits perfect to the theme I use).

The interface is rather comfortable and intuitive, it is a pleasure to write and send tweets. Hitting enter actually sends the tweet instead of just pushing the cursor to another line. That was something I never understood in the web interface. I think I will stay with this app for a while.

So, anything bad about it? Read the rest of this entry »

Written by G. Neuner

6. January 2009 at 4:12 pm

Posted in Internet

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